Suena Voices De Rev Theory
I hear voices in my head
They council me, they understand
They talk to me.You got your rules and your religion,
all designed to keep you safe.
But when rules start getting broken
you start questioning your faith.
I have a voice that is my savior,
hates to love and loves to hate.
I have the voice that has the knowledge
and the power to rule your fate.
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising.
I hear voices in my head
They council me, they understand
They talk to me, they talk to me.You got your rules and your religion,
all designed to keep you safe.
But when rules start getting broken
you start questioning your faith.
I have a voice that is my savior,
hates to love and loves to hate.
I have the voice that has the knowledge
and the power to rule your fate.
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising.
I hear voices in my head
They council me, they understand
They talk to me, they talk to me.
They tell me things that I will do
They show me things I'll do to you.
They talk to me, they talk to me...You got your rules and your religion,
all designed to keep you safe.
But when rules start getting broken
you start questioning your faith.
I have a voice that is my savior,
hates to love and loves to hate.
I have the voice that has the knowledge
and the power to rule your fate.
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising.
I hear voices in my head
They council me, they understand
They talk to me, they talk to me.
They tell me things that I will do
They show me things I'll do to you.
They talk to me, they talk to me...You got your rules and your religion,
all designed to keep you safe.
But when rules start getting broken
you start questioning your faith.
I have a voice that is my savior,
hates to love and loves to hate.
I have the voice that has the knowledge
and the power to rule your fate.
I hear voices in my head
They council me, they understand
They talk to me, they talk to me.
They tell me things that I will do
They show me things I'll do to you.
They talk to me, they talk to me...Como siempre, las luces se vuelven rojas combinadas con el color de la oscuridad al bajarse a medio tono, sale The Legend Killer y camina rapidamente hacia el cuadrilátero sin pararse, recibe todos los abucheos del estadio sin duda alguna, pero como de costumbre, los ignora totalmente, Orton llega a la rampa …Randy Orton empieza a andar por la rampa y justo en ese momento aparece la aplicación de la realización con su nombre “Randy Orton” la aplicación está aproximadamente cinco segundos y después se retira, un foco persigue a Randy, se lleva la mano a la cara para rascarse y en ese momento podemos ver varias pancartas de todo tipo como una de “We Want Cena”Ahora el de St. Louis levanta la cabeza y observa a la fanaticada fijamente mientras sigue caminando paso a paso hasta el ring, seguimos echando una ojeada a las pancartas de detrás del luchador de todo tipo, pero sobre todo en su contra, encara las escalerillas metálicas, las sube rapidamente apoyandose del poste anda por el borde del ring hasta llegar mas o menos al centro …A continuación entra al ring por la segunda cuerda y da unos pasos hacia atrás observando al público que lo abuchea, camina hacia uno de los esquineros, parece que va a subirse como siempre a realizar su taunt pero no, cambia la dirección y pide un micrófono a uno de los comisarios de RAW en el ringside, que se lo da rapidamente …